Wivenhoe tennis club

 Club Sessions

The club provides several club sessions each week when members can come along and join in, usually for social doubles play. These sessions vary from year to year and throughout the year depending on demand, as shown below. The club provides balls and floodlights, when necessary. The club play sessions are usually as follows:

Men's (am) and ladies' (pm) sessions
Club night and social tennis from 6.30pm
Social pickleball from 9.00am to 11.00am
Social pickleball from 6.00pm
Social tennis from 9.30am
Social pickleball from 3.00pm to 5.00pm

Members can also play at other times, provided that the courts are not in use for club matches, public pay and play or coaching. We use a WhatApp group for arranging social tennis.

Public Play and Pay Sessions

Public pay and play is available from 9am to 9pm each day, except when reserved for Club play or events. The cost is £15 per court per hour. Please note that the pay and play scheme is managed by a volunteer, so bookings at short notice may not be possible --- please give as much notice as possible for your booking to be arranged.

Web page maintained by Adrian F. Clark